I can only hope, I really don't know. At least there is a chance with McCrazy. I know what Shrillary will do, and she will do it especially to spite Obama's black base. Who knows what Obama will do? Out of the three, he might be the toughest on immigration because it hurts his base the most.
Might as well vote for Obama. There's a chance he'll turn out to be a conservative Republican. It's a small chance. But it's a good as the chance that that McCain will change his spots on immigration, taxes, freedom of speech etc etc etc.
If America is going down the tubes, we might as well make sure folks know who's to blame. That's the left. Electing McCain gives the left cover and lets the media blame Republicans.
We're at the point where we have to accept that our ideas are unpopular and that the public is going to try on a really, really stupid outfit for a while because it's the latest fashion and all the fashion magazines tell them its new and exciting. That's a done deal.
The question is, when the American public wakes up and realizes how stupid they have been (eg Jimmy Carter, 1979), who gets blamed for the mess? Blame is unclear if John McCain is president. It is unambiguous if HRC or Obama are president.
The best conservatives can do right now is to make sure the blame lies where it belongs. And the best way to do that is to elect a democrat.