Even if McCain wins the Florida primary, I do not think he will be the GOP nominee. I just can’t believe there are enough stupid, deranged Republicans out there to put him over the top. Go, Mitt!
Au contraire. It is you purists who are willing to facilitate election of socialists with ACU ratings in the single digits (Hillary or Obama) over a Republican with an ACU rating of 82 (McCain) who will set the conservative movement back decades.
No matter what you think of McCain, he is better than any of the RAT candidates. Get a grip already!
Some folks never learn they shouldn't shoot themselves in the foot because of some misdirected principle....JUST SHOOT AT THE FRICKIN' ENEMY!
If the unthinkable happens and that twisted troll gets nominated, I don;t know what I will do. I’ll never vote Democrat. More likely third party.
If anybody else wins thje primary - Huckleberry, JulieAnnie or Romney, they will get my support.
I can;t believe the Republicans in America are stupid enough to nominate that damn fool McCain for President. Its a certain road to what the media is working towards - a Democart victory.
Hold whatever you need to, take a look at what they’re really running on, committing to do, and doing — and vote.
Another one of your dumbass vanities......
I don’t much like the idea of any of the contenders winning. They’re all too liberal for my taste and it’s kind of a shame IMHO they can’t all lose. Still, I’d vote for Putin if he was running against a Clinton.
...and he [with his great record] has a huge chance of winning most hearts & minds in mainstream America.
Unlike yourself, I am not willing to put the Republicans out of power in both the Whie House and Congress because of a perceived lack of ‘ideological purity’.
Get a clue pal Bush has hurt the Conservative Movement, badly.
By the way does anyone know exactly what the state of McCain’s health is? A question that is important if he is the nominee and then his choice of VP is very important.
John McCain would still SIGN THE BILL to grant amnesty to the crimnals.
How would I feel if McCain became President? I would be relieved that neither Clinton nor Obama would be Commander in Chief.McCain is not my candidate...but but he is better than any of the Democrats.