I dislike Romney. We would have no idea what we would get with Romney.
He was very liberal as governor, and has campaigned as a conservative.
I would see him very willing to compromise principals when he goes up against Pelosi.
I agree with you about Romney, altho I’m not sure how he’d deal with Pelosi.
I look at Mitt’s actions as governor dealng with a very liberal legislature, and Huckabee as governor dealing with a much more conservative legislature, and I see a huge difference - in Romney’s favor. Huckabee governed as a RINO/liberal and trashed Republicans in Arkansas, whereas Romney governed as a RINO/moderate and trashed Republicans less.
No Christian would do what Huckabee does - things like saying he “drinks a different Jesus juice”, call conservatives against illegal alien benefits anti-Christian, and on and on. Nor would a good Christian as he constantly tells us he is refuse to release his sermons, run away/lie about his record as governor, and on and on. He wants to govern as a theocrat, and I find that just as oppressive as being governed by a liberal who wants to “take things away for the common good”.
I will never reward a snake oil salesman like Huckabee with my vote.