Another big factor is that it is a very Military oriented state, and those folks might be voting for him based on this single issue.
McCain had a solid base of support in South Carolina, maybe 20%, that he was NEVER going to lose. In a 2 or 3-man race it’s not much use, but in a 4-man race, it almost guaranteed he wasn’t dropping past 2nd.
Another big factor is that it is a very Military oriented state, and those folks might be voting for him based on this single issue.
And that’s what I don’t get. Of all the candidates that the military/vets should NOT be supporting, it’s McCrazy. Just for the despicable way he’s treated the VietNam POW issue and backstabbed their families alone brings me to fury. Are their memories that short?
And then there’s his “interrogation of terrorists” positions .. he’s nutz and totally unpredictable and emotionally unstable, IMO.
I won’t even get into the Keating Five and his flagrant, egomaniacal opportunism.