Hi...Who do you think we will wind up as 1-2 candidates ?..
the way things are shaping up, dooesn’t look too good...
what a revoltin’ development.
I know McCain will be gone, he just can’t hold, he is already getting snippy. Of course some may not care. I know the GOP big dogs are not fond of the idea of going into the main fight with McCain, way too risky.
Huck may be around if folks really are not paying attention. If that holds, they deserve him. I’ll move my money off shore and enjoy the whining about taxes and the follow on economic screw ups. I have to thing he will get worse, especially with Rollins on his staff. Something will bite him in the ass.
But get those two out and the fight goes Fred vs Romney with Rudy keeping it interesting.....
Not gonna happen. I expect they will still all be in come the convention (well, ok, not Hunter), and that no one wins on the first ballot - at least unless delegates start changing votes after the first count.
And then...they should rally around the nominee, Fred Dalton Thompson. Well, except for McCain or Huckaboob, because one of them will be the Demonrat VP npminee