“OBAMA just buried himself.”
If so, I’m sure we’ll never hear about it from anyone but you. He’s pretty fully covered by the media, unless they decide the wind is blowing in Hillary’s direction again. Then they’ll all fall in line again.
I’m sure the media thinks paid family leave is a good idea, so where’s the story? /s
AMERICAS favourite television presenter is paying a painful price for her intervention in the US presidential campaign last month. Oprah Winfrey has been dubbed a traitor by some of her female fans for supporting Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton.
ObamaÂs rivals (HILLARY) suspect that Winfrey has been startled by the virulent reaction to her previous campaign appearance.
In the original post, a reader called austaz68 said she Âcannot believe that women all over this country are not up in arms over OprahÂs backing of Obama. For the first time in history we actually have a shot at putting a woman in the White House and Oprah backs the black MAN. SheÂs choosing her race over her gender.Â
Ain't that sweet? /s