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To: AFA-Michigan
He didn’t go to the press in NH to denounce it at least it was never portrayed in the mainstream media like that. Only time I heard him say anything publicly about the pollsters was two days ago. before you point me to a website, a press releases on a website don’t really mean anything to people that don’t go to the website.
What could he have done? From the start, he could have called out the company that is doing this for that 527 group, told people to ignore the calls from that group and flood the FEC with complaints about that group. He could have told people to block calls from the company that does this (if they have that feature) and taken out an ad or a series of ads stating how he doesn’t support this stuff.
That is what someone needs to do, maybe not him, but someone needs to go after this garbage politicking before the real elections so the public is aware of it.

Look, he benefited from this 527 nonsense and the only one I blame for that is McCain, who himself is a victim of attacks from these groups too which is sweet justice to those of us that don’t like the restrictions placed on speech by McCain/Feingold.

118 posted on 01/20/2008 11:45:33 AM PST by newnhdad
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To: newnhdad

I guess I should have also asked you to suggest something that was actually reasonable. You suggest he should have spent scarce advertising dollars to run ads denouncing an independent expenditure committee. That would not be a smart use of limited campaign resources. And he did condemn the robo-calls in NH, as he had earlier in Iowa.

All that said, if what the robo-calls say is the truth, then I’m wondering what all the fuss is about. I actually received one, and it sounded professional, inoffensive, and truthful. I for one was not the least bit offended. But whadda I know...once I realized what it was, I hung up before it finished. What exactly did the calls say, if anything, that was untrue?

119 posted on 01/21/2008 1:16:24 PM PST by AFA-Michigan
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