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Thompson Calls On Huckabee To Stop Push Polls
| 1/17/08
| John Bentley
Posted on 01/18/2008 8:44:16 AM PST by pissant
click here to read article
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To: pissant
This morning Fox reported that Huck is trying to stop these calls (yeah right). The Friends asked the Beltway Boys about it and they only mentioned how it’s happening to McCain. Fred and Mort just cannot speak about Fred, unless it’s negative.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:00:22 AM PST
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: TigerInSC
Prosperity, SC has a population of about 1100 give or take a few. Thanks for that information. I wonder how many people attended Fred's event. Having seventy five people raising their hands doesn't give any clue as to the total attendance.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:03:39 AM PST
To: Bob
Just now on Fox, Carl was reporting from a McCain gathering in SC. He noted that McCain was running late, and that the crowd was “sparse” (his word) and that this wasn’t such a good sign with the voting taking place tomorrow.
For what it’s worth....
posted on
01/18/2008 9:04:40 AM PST
(Prayers for my Mom and GO FRED!!)
To: Bob
Roughly half the 75 people in attendance raised their hands.
You are comprehension challenged.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:06:33 AM PST
To: Bob
If you read correctly you will notice the article states “Roughly half the 75 people in attendance raised their hands.”
To: Bob
Bob, there were 75 people at the event and half of them raised their hands!
posted on
01/18/2008 9:07:48 AM PST
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: pissant
The Huckster is cut from the same cloth as BJ.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:08:01 AM PST
(Ignorance, the most expensive commodity produced by mankind.)
To: Bob
I wonder how many people attended Fred’s event.
When one reads the article up through the 5th paragraph it is made quite clear how many people were there.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:08:12 AM PST
To: Bob
Roughly half the 75 people in attendance raised their hands.
Read that one again. Seventy-five people in attendance and half raised their hands. Although, Fred was in a town of about 1100 people according to a previous post, so that number may just seem low.
To stay on topic: If Huckabee is doing this and the news of it gets traction, I hope it comes back to bite him like one of them fried squirrels he spoke about.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:09:03 AM PST
(Duncan Hunter in '08!)
To: samtheman
When I was last in that vicinity, Prosperity, SC still had a three-digit population. Figure around 1,000 now, minus the children and Democrats... it’s not as sad as you think. If Fred hits enough of these small towns, he’ll do better than the polls are suggesting.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:11:02 AM PST
Charles Martel
(The Tree of Liberty thirsts.)
To: Sulsa
Thanks for the correction. I missed the word ‘half’ in there.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:12:08 AM PST
To: pissant
FReeper snippy_about_it was at this event yesterday. He commented on this in a thread yesterday evening:
I was there. It was more than a dozen hands raised, more like 30 from where I was sitting.
2 posted on 01/17/2008 5:08:24 PM CST by snippy_about_it (I'm a Friend of Fred, FRedneck!
posted on
01/18/2008 9:15:12 AM PST
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: Bob; samtheman
You're jumping to a conclusion. Seventy five people raised their hands. How many people were there?Seventy-five is far better than twelve.
This source has the crowd raising their hands at "at least a dozen". It could have been a different event (this was at a 'steak house'). Either way, only a dozen hands is sad.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:15:28 AM PST
(Amnesty for ILLEGALS is a slap in the face to the USBP!)
To: Miss Didi
Yeah I heard Fred and Mort on Fox, and they said that Thompson has no message.
I wanted to break my TV.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:15:51 AM PST
(Hsu out the Democrats in 2008!, Go Hsu-less vote GOP)
To: samtheman
As of 2000, the population of
Prosperity, South Carolina was 1,047. How many do you figure are voting age? 75%? That brings us down to 785. How many are free to attend? About 10%? That's pretty good.
By comparison, there's isn't a venue big enough to hold 10% of New Yorkers if they came together to see a candidate in the middle of the day.
To: pissant
I love push polling is an issue in SC, now that its against Fred and McCain. Same groups have attacked Romney since before Iowa and in every state, including NV and SC.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:16:41 AM PST
To: samtheman
I don’t believe the numbers. There was another Fred event here (Iowa) I and other freepers went to. An article said it had 50 people but we all agreed there were at least 200. I even verified it based on room capacity figures from the hotel’s website. I don’t trust crowdsize numbers from any media source.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:17:52 AM PST
To: RatsDawg
I wonder how the Boys’s ratings are this year. They and the Panel have surely jumped the shark.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:19:38 AM PST
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
To: South40
This source has the crowd raising their hands at "at least a dozen". It could have been a different event (this was at a 'steak house'). Either way, only a dozen hands is sad. More conclusion jumping. That source doesn't say how many people were there, only that "at least a dozen" people raised their hands. How many people didn't raise their hands? There's no way to tell.
posted on
01/18/2008 9:21:44 AM PST
To: Sulsa
posted on
01/18/2008 9:21:45 AM PST
Miss Didi
("Good heavens, woman, this is a war not a garden party!" Dr. Meade, Gone with the Wind)
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