Please note this dinosaur media report, posted yesterday, which has the usual Chicken-little tale of disaster:
I don’t think you’re getting this. The fact of cooling in no way negates warming as a normative continuum external to empirical reality.
Crystal clear?
Of course, because no matter what the climate does, we can always say after the fact that it was predicted by global warming.
The new ice age could bring our civilization to an end as everyone tries to crowd into the equatorial regions.
The civilization that existed before the last ice age hasn’t left us anything but cave drawings, and of course, ourselves.
Hey - At one time it was called GREENland for a reason...
“Well, actually, the increasing cold is caused by Global Warming. Global Warming created the Ice Age” - Al Gore Janaury 1, 2009 (sarcasm.)
My father was stationed in Greenland during WWII, he said that it was just a miserable place. They were housed in a quonset hut that was virtually an igloo. Being stationed in Greenland was great compared to being on the front lines, however.
Well, it seems the mag north has been busily hustling west over the last few years. Some time back, it was ensconced over NE Canadian Arctic but has recently moved west by about 4 degrees and north by almost a degree.
What does this mean?
Well, the magnetic pole is caused by a mass of magma (molten metal) near the surface of the earth and having a magnetic field.
Since the magma is near the surface, could this molten metal (read: hotter’n hell) also heat the earth in the north lands? I mean, if it is massive enough to alter the magnetic characteristics of the earth, couldn’t it also effect climate?
I just wonder if the algore trolls consider this factor in their analysis.
Just last week they said the ice was melting like crazy from the volcanic magma. The press has the right Greenland?
~~Anthropogenic Global Warming ping~~
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I’m still thawing out from my commute home. We had what is called a ‘wintry mix’, which is a euphemism for a mixture of every form of frozen or freezing precipitation known to man.