Paul voted to go into Afghanistan and for the record I don't agree with all of Paul's foreign policy.
You think we should leave Iraq, and hope for the best.
I think we should leave within 3-5 years. I don't agree with Paul that we should leave immediately.
Leave SE Asia And watch curiously as China takes over.
China doesn't have the military logistics to overtake Taiwan or Japan.
Disengage our burgeoning military relationship with India. Leave Australia to the wind. There are too many more to note in one response. You want to abandon all US allies. The consequences of ones actions are what logical people tend to think about.
No, I want to start taking care of America first rather than foreigners for a change. I'm tired of seeing my tax dollars go to tin-pot dictators. I'm sure India and Australia will be our partners and allies - economically. They can provide for their own military.