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To: 2CAVTrooper; jmc813

I posted an article quoting Thompson saying he did work for Aristide.

He did work for Aristide, for free (????), after Aristide said, in September 1991, A “The burning tire, what a beautiful tool! ... It smells good. And wherever you go, you want to smell it.”

He was talking about necklacing. You know, where a doused in gasoline is placed over someones head and lit on fire.

Even if the documents are phony, which I doubt, the real document would exist.

Thompson said his work on behalf of Aristide was limited to a single phone call. “I never met with the client. I never met anybody on behalf of Haiti or received any compensation for it.” (this paragraph is from the link above)

Why did he do work for Aristide for free after Aristide made the odious comment?

390 posted on 01/11/2008 7:31:51 PM PST by GovernmentIsTheProblem (The GOP is "Whig"ing out.)
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To: GovernmentIsTheProblem

“He was talking about necklacing. You know, where a doused in gasoline is placed over someones head and lit on fire.”

Why don’t you tell the rest of the story?

That this so called “necklacing” was used in dealing with the Tonton Macoutes.

The Tonton Macoutes was the militia death squads that were created during the “Papa Doc” regime.

And the FULL QUOTE follows:

“If you catch one, do not fail to give him what he deserves,” Aristide said on Radio Nationale, during a bout of mob justice. “What a beautiful tool! It’s lovely, it’s cute, it’s pretty, it has a good smell; wherever you go you want to inhale it.”

He was specifically talking about the Tonton Macoutes.

So do you not think this was a justified punishment for the Tonton Macoutes who for decades would go around and butcher people with machetes and then hand what’s left in public squares?

But back to Thompson.....Cough up some billing records, or phone records or better yet the real document.

Relying on a document that appeared out of thin air on a site who’s intention is to slam Thompson is pretty shallow. I don’t even think that dan rather would stoop as low as that...Oh wait he did.

So are you saying that Thompson should have billed Aristide for one phone call? Hell most lawyers grant a free consultation.

396 posted on 01/11/2008 8:24:38 PM PST by 2CAVTrooper (The next thing from the ron paullution supporters: Krystalnacht)
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