This is a conservative view.
He was not dissing Ham radio. He has no reason to.
You people are totally off base here. Interoperability involves frequencies that are not used by current Ham operations. It has nothing, or should have nothing to do with Ham. If it did, it would involve testing,licensing, certified equipment and the elimination of overlapping users.
The frequency spectrum is totally different and the Ham is necessary when all that fails. Government would destroy ham radio, not assist it.
You want that?
Good grief!
It is you that are 'off base.'
The capability to operate on all frequencies, and modes in emergencies could easily be added to any amateur station that chose to expand their license and capabilities, but Romney has made himself clear that he opposes this public intrusion into the domain of the controllers.
I would have willingly voted for him in the past election, but he has shown his true colors, and is now off my list for sure.