I see, so your clever plan is to elect democrats and hope they are a disaster. For that matter, since whenever dems govern it is necessarily a disaster, and whenever republicans who aren't conservative enough for you govern it is also necessarily a disaster, you are simply guaranteed a disaster unless your favorite guys are in office. And after each disaster, the electorate always sees this and goes right to your guys. Now I understand why conservatives have won every (or every other) election since Jefferson, it is so clear.
But anyone interested in winning this one has to go elsewhere. You've nothing to offer them, but smugness about ensuing national disaster.
Obviously, you don’t understand. Whenever liberals are elected they do end of being a disaster. This is true whether the liberal is a Republican (which you support if you support John McCain) or a democrat. It may take some time, but they will be a disaster. And, FYI, the only Republican running this time that I consider to be a true liberal is John McCain.
Sometimes the people get it ala Reagan in 1980. Yes, I actively supported Reagan and he was a great success. You do not have to support leftists in the Republican Party to achieve victory. You do have to avoid liberals to avert disaster, however. The conservatives have no chance of long term success by electing a liberal Republican to the Presidency. By electing a liberal Republican, the best the Conservatives will achieve is a Pyrrhic victory.