[[Google the term and read about it elsewhere if you like!
I did and it’s obvious that evos are trying to insinuate thaT SIMPLE SELF ORGANIZATION CAN RESULT IN TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS OF HIGHLY COMPLEX IRREDUCIBLY COMPLEX SYSTEMS THAT VIOLATE several laws and statidstics at every step of the way- it’s nothing but another misleading simplification of a biological system that is far far more complex than evos are willing to acknowledge apparently- it is like saying that because a kid can place blocks on top of each other, then that means they are capable of producing not only nutron boms but the equiptment and technology to produce them as well- without any instructions- Actually it’s worse than that- pointing out simple self organizing events and claiming complex and irredicuibly complex systems can violate biological dictates. The idea of self organization equating to specified complexities is almost as rediculous as claiming that because nature can produce simple negative entropies, then evolution ‘could have’ violated the second law at trillions and trillions of ever increasingly complex stages that ALL worked to negate entropy altogether. It just boggles the mind how someone could make such a silly, gigantic leap of faith like that
“its nothing but another misleading simplification of a biological system that is far far more complex than evos are willing to acknowledge apparently”
That’s why scientists study the complexity to understand it, but creationists say, its too complex, to boogie man must have made it.
Everything you said is untrue but it’s not worth debating.
Have you ever even met an actual research scientist?
“It just boggles the mind how someone could make such a silly, gigantic leap of faith like that.”
Same to you. Now empirically demonstrate the existence of a designer. ;)