Oh, almost forgot...
Romney over Huckabee - this is New England after all, not the Ozarks; Romney has name recognition.
On the other side, it doesn’t matter: She Who Must Not Be Named is pre-ordained.
Huckabee’s not expected to be a factor here. Think Romney will beat McCain?
Ya know, I've been thinking that the libs in saturating the schools and colleges and media (Hollywood/TV/internet/newspapers) with their lib philosophy (global warming/anti-war/anti-Republicans/vegetarian/ anti-corporations/anti-establishment/minorities and animals are more equal than others and worthier of our largess and trust) have created a monster.
The lib establishment can no longer control it's children, and they are being trampled as the kids and the far left and the minorities go ga-ga for the Hollywood dream candidate... a black with an Arabic/Muslim name.
It's downright anti-"The Future" for She Who Must Not Be Named to stand in his way.
And if the libs have created this monster, then maybe SHE is no longer preordained.