You said — “Define the word Cult in one sentence.”
Well, if you had been reading the other comments, you would have come across it already. It’s any group that denies any or all of the basic, historic and foundational doctrines of Christianity, which all the Christian churches hold in common.
Pretty simple, actually...
Star Traveler
And, even with the utter irrelevance of your thoughts, they are also wrong. A group can sociologically be a cult while having "correct doctrine." Additionally, the dictionary definition of "cult" will contain many things which you do not consider to be "cults." Perhaps some "scholarly" research would assist you.
Now there's a prime bit of logical fallacy. Circular argument, which assumes your premise in the answer. You basically say Christianity is defined by A, because all Christians are defined by A. You cannot prove your definition true by simply assuming it is in your answer.
"You are not a bird unless you fly, which all birds do."
Under your definition, a Roman Catholic could say that Evangelicals deny any number of "basic, historic and foundational doctrines" from the Catholic catechism, and are therefore a cult.
“Cult ... Its any group that denies any or all of the basic, historic and foundational doctrines of Christianity”
“Pretty simple, actually...” ... and wrong.
You’ve just defined Judaism, buddhism, atheism, Quakerism, and Unitarians all as a cult. That’s bizarre and counterfactual. You are misusing the term.