You said — “Walter Martin was an ignorant man. Why do you let him do your thinking for you?”
Ummmm..., you had better get into the 21st Century... You’re talking about Ravi Zacharias. He’s the same person that the Mormons invited over to their Mormon Tabernacle, by invitation. He’s very clear in that book that the Mormons are a cult. He’s the one who is in charge of that book now...
You didn’t reference that book then, if you think it said they were a cult. It doesn’t. It’s considered the authoritative work on the cults for the Christian Church. If you’re going by someone else’s definitions, then you’re probably using someone’s personal opinion, instead of agreed-upon scholarly work....
Study up a bit before you comment on that information... LOL...
I guess I'm missing the relevance of a "cult" vs. "non-cult" discussion on this thread.