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To: All; bjs1779; BykrBayb; floriduh voter
Huckabee and Terri...

It is in the National Review Online today.

If they still had an editor like Tim Wheeler, our T'wit, they would have caught the mistake of spelling Terri's name inter alia. May we recall, George Steponalluvus embodies the essence of the left and is thereby obsessed with the burden of Terri's Legacy as he was in nagging Fred Thompson..


Hammering Huck   [Jonathan Adler]

Huckabee's gotten pretty much a free pass from interviewers over his past false statements, flip-flops, and outrageous past positions. That said, George Stephanopolous hit Huckabee pretty hard on ABC's This Week this morning, hammering away on his misstatements abot the surge, his flip flip on whether the federal government should have intervened in the Terry Schiavo case (which mirrors his change on the federal role in abortion). Now that he's a front-runner, he's finally getting the scrutiny — and tough questions — that he deserves.

Hammering Huck


87 posted on 01/07/2008 3:21:37 AM PST by 8mmMauser (Jezu ufam tobie...Jesus I trust in Thee)
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To: All
Huckabee and Terri

National Review Online again, this time from Mark Levin...


One More Go at It   [Mark R. Levin]

Andrew writes, citing another: “You quote Olsen writing "Mr. Huckabee offers the Republican Party a new political narrative, light years removed from the limited government principles governing the GOP in the Reagan and post-Reagan era." This would be funny if it weren't so sad. As a small government fiscal conservative I'm amazed that someone as knowledgeable as Mr. Olsen could write such nonsense. Under Bush and his congressional enablers we got Medicare Part-D, The 2005 Transportation Act, No Child left Behind, an explosion of earmarks, intervention in the Schiavo case, the ongoing scandal and waste of the Ag bills and on and on. Really what part of this represents "Limited Government" in the post-Reagan era? The fact that he borrowed instead of taxed to do it does not make this fiscal conservative happy, that's just taxing a future generation. Huckabee is a kinder gentler Bush III.”

Let me try this one more time, not to convince you Andrew, but for others who aren't bored out of their socks by this.

The Senate voted unanimously or near unanimously in the Schiavo case, Andrew, as did most of the House, to pass legislation authorizing federal courts to review the state's court decision - something that is routinely granted in capital cases without legislation from Congress.  I don't want to argue, endlessly, the Schiavo case again, but it does not prove your point.  I am glad they did and wrote so at the time.  Furthermore, it is preposterous to argue, with little more in your case, that evidence of the Republican party turning into a European Christian Democrat-style party can be found in the party's spending.  By such reasoning, maybe it's becoming a socialist party.  Maybe the Rockefeller wing has finally prevailed. Maybe, if, whatever.  This proves that Republicans are aping liberals (European and American liberals, I might add.)................................. 

One More Go at It


88 posted on 01/07/2008 3:28:18 AM PST by 8mmMauser (Jezu ufam tobie...Jesus I trust in Thee)
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