Keep in mind she was 13 so an abortion was probably doubtful. Prayers to her and the family on the difficult decisions they have to make. Would not want to be in that situation ever. Much more difficult than us typing our thoughts on a computer that is for sure. The right decision will be made ultimately.
Because she was 13 is precisely why I suspect abortion as the "routine medical procedure."
Given the "comprehensive sex education" that is taught/preached in most public schools, given the sex-saturated culture we live in, and given that most people believe the lies of Planned Parenthood, et. al, I suspect that she and/or one or both parent(s) believed that the "best" solution to an unintended pregnancy was to get an abortion. I'm NOT saying she WAS pregnant - obviously, I don't know. I'm simply saying that, given our culture and what the girl was taught, directly and indirectly through our culture, it was a real possibility.