Gary Hart?
Hot air!
>>>"We used to work together across party lines and we used to cooperate with each other,.... <<<
Hummm? I wonder if this is intended as a message to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat obstructionists with an 11% approval rating?
Naaah....former Democrat Senators are never that perceptive...except for Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman.
We may be seeing the start of the “Balkanization” of the “Good Ole USofA”. A third or even a fourth party my run a candidate that could pull some electoral votes. This is not likely this year, however, if California votes to share its electoral votes, then maybe!!!
Both parties are stuck with a failing nomination process, and may be forced, against the judgement of their senior elected officials, to nominate flawed candidates.
That, plus CFR, plus the increasingly entrepreneurial nature of politics, opens the door for a serious "unity" ticket which would be well-funded, nationally competitive, and possibly victorious.
I would NEVER have picked this bunch to hold anything together, let alone a future POTUS.
Could be just that Oklahoma wind whistling.
I will not work with traitors and America haters such as the San Fransicko crowd.
This is an audition for the “Ross Perot 2008” candidate in order to improve Hillary’s prospects by siphoning off moderate and conservative votes with a “pragmatic, centrist”. The MSM will pretend that they didn’t see this coming, but the fix is in. They’ll give Candidate “X” enough free ink and air time to get him up to 10% in the polls, invite him to the debates (at which time he and Hillary will gang up on the GOP candidate). Of course if this mystery candidate appears to be pulling votes from Her Heinous, they’ll drop him like a hot rock.
The only candidate that will benefit from a third party is Hillary. In fact, she need’s her Ross Perot to get elected, just like her husband.