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To: wardaddy; All

I haven’t seen that at FR. I’ve seen Huckabee attacked for his fiscal liberalism and discussion of whether it’s a good idea to have a Preacher President. That’s a valid question. Can you imagine what the discussion would be if it was a former priest, instead of a former Southern Baptist preacher? I really don’t remember that much being made about Bush’s Christianity prior to the ‘04 election. What I do remember is voting against Kerry mainly because he is a one-world globalist in the Soros Open Society mold with beliefs and values that don’t jibe with his religion. What I do remember is some pundit saying that exit polls showed that those voting for Bush and against Kerry were “values voters.” The left picked up on that immediately and began a campaign to infiltrate the evangelicals and shift as many as possible from the right to the center and to just left of center if they could push them that far. Their stategy paid off.

Huckabee is not trustworthy to this particular conservative. If I can’t trust him to hold the line against the trend toward socialism, then I don’t want him as POTUS. We see what has happened to other socialist nations with overtly PC policies toward ethnic separatists. Some of those countries are in semi-panic mode now and attempting to turn themselves around. I don’t think we want to go forward in the direction they are now realizing has been a mistake. And that’s where Huckabee would take us.

What we are seeing now is not just atheists railing about the possibility of a theocracy, we are seeing Christian sect set upon Christian sect. Do we want 5 years of this? Frankly, I don’t want another 5 minutes of it. I feel like I’m reliving the late 1700s/early 1800s. Huckabee’s candidacy brought that back. He is being touted as a uniter, when, in fact, his run is divisive and unhealthy for America.

66 posted on 12/24/2007 6:54:18 AM PST by sageb1 (This is the Final Crusade. There are only 2 sides. Pick one.)
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To: sageb1

Well, then you have missed it Sage. I don’t have the time to go pull all the “another hick from Arkansas stuff”

Bush’s evangelical bent was quite the conversation before his election.

Carter’s even was since he too was considered Evangelical in 1976....I have tried to tell folks here that Evangelical does not infer instant Conservatism.

Huckabee is an ex-preacher, if an ex-priest ran I’m sure it would be fine....wasn’t John Danforth an ex-priest. ....does anyone care about that. Giuliani is Roman Catholic and no one says a peep but some guy (whom I don’t support for other reasons) comes along as a Southern Evangelical and the long knives come out that he’s too religious and he’s bigoted for even questioning Romney’s no one can question peculiar Mormon creed....even if now deemed archaic.

I guess Southern Episcopalian support for slavery and Catholic Inquisition are now hands off too?

I think many here.... Catholic posters (and obviously Mormon) don’t like true believer Protestants for very old reasons.....and they know true believer Prods dispute their creed too.

The funny thing though is that Huckster is not a Fundamentalist or that would really get some around here’s heads turning.

in the end though....except for his abortion stances I don’t much care for Huckster at all but I think it’s amazing how someone who wears his Christianity on his sleeve gets folks going.

I think what scares milquetoast Christians the most about Fundamentalists and Charismatics most is that they know most of them actually believe. You cannot say that about most other Christian sects at all.....most are lapsed. Were they not lapsed, we would live in a very conservative nation easily.

Were Huckster a Fundie, he’d probably be a more appealing candidate to me.

92 posted on 12/24/2007 9:50:53 AM PST by wardaddy (I have come to the conclusion that even though imperfect....Thompson is my choice by far.)
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