Rudy is a Catholic who supports abortion and has been divorced twice. Is that living his faith?
Mitt is a proud Mormon, but he was for abortion before he was against it: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints must not submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for an abortion. Church members who encourage an abortion in any way may be subject to Church discipline. Does Mitt live his faith?
Clearly not every candidate lives their faith. Try finding one on the Democrat side. I picked out these two because their failings are glaring, not because they are unique. There is nothing unAmerican in living your faith openly as a presidential candidate, regardless of what that faith might be. It is also okay not to vote for someone because you disagree with him. Where you are wrong is in equating the personal religion of the President as somehow being promoting a state religion. That's what the muslims do.
“We all live our faith”
Actually, I was referring to most Christian freepers, not the candidates, specifically.
“Where you are wrong is in equating the personal religion of the President as somehow being promoting a state religion.”
No. I am not wrong. My beef is not with the religion. I am a Christian. My beef is that Huckabee is coming on as Pastor Huckabee and I do not want a Pastor-in-Chief. Besides the fact, that if the devisive religious debates about this now are any indication of what 4 yrs. of Huckabee would be like, a Preacher President would not do well in foreign affairs and could actually inflame bin Laden’s perception that we’re fighting a religious war. There is an enormous difference between governing a state in America and having to deal with foreign perceptions of our POTUS. At best, with Huckabee in the Oval Office, he would be worse than President Bush, who manages to keep his faith known, but fairly quiet, with a nod to God every once in awhile.