“Reporters Say Hatfill Partly to Blame,” Associated Press, December 20, 2007
The Stewart and Locy declarations, on their face, seemed persuasive when the journalists talked about all the contact with Dr. Hatfill’s attorney.
But I guess it is not fair to hold it against Dr. H that his counsel met with reporters and advocated his innocence.
Will I ever be surprised to see what's up.
Will I ever be surprised to see what's up.
(waiting 5)
Well, finished, and lo and behold, there it is at Feel Good Reports ~ http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/search?q=Toni+Locy
This is the old gal who came up with the Rhodesian whopper on Hatfill (among other things).
She'll crack like a bad weld.