FReeper JeffHead is one of the most respectable FReepers here. He disagrees with Paul's foreign policy, which is fair because I have some reservations too.
They arent interested in perspective - they want a gotcha moment and will take quotes out of context to get them.
Of course they do. For years, FReepers have prided themselves on sniffing out BS in the media and the thousands of articles that have been posted here. But post a Paul article and these David Banners morph instantly into the Hulk.
” FReeper JeffHead is one of the most respectable FReepers here. He disagrees with Paul’s foreign policy, which is fair because I have some reservations too.”
As do I. But on a lot of other issues, he’s been misrepresented - mostly by FReepers who claim they want small government, but really want it to legislate their pet social issues.
Hunter is the only candidate I can vote for without hesistion, and I don’t even agree with him 100% - particularly he is a little protectionist for my tastes. On the other hand, most of that is directed towards a different attitude towards China, which I support.
I was leaning towards Thompson till he appointed George P Bush to a campaign support position. It showed horrible judgment in my opinion.
I think Huckabee is kooky. I don’t think Paul is, though some of his supporters are. Others are people who are sick and tired of the same old same old. that the RNC has sent our way. I am sympathetic to them for the character attacks they receive on this forum.