The change seems to be primarily societal, and not exclusive to the educational community.
“Thomas Sowell” and “common sense” are synonymous.
In the spring of 1968, Communist-led students invaded Columbia's Lowe Library, demanding no new gymnasium, no ROTC, free love, free drugs, surrender to the Soviets in everythingand amnesty for "occupying" the building to begin with.
Meanwhile, the campus athletes disapproved. They marched toward the library, announcing their intention of throwing the long-haired weenies out and restoring order.
The faculty (speaking of former and current Communists) were horrified at the ideaeven though it was a library, a seat of learning, which had been commandeered and vandalized. True to Sowell's description of academics as temporizing idiots, Columbia's world-class intellectuals (and they were) encircled the building by holding hands. How sensitive. How . . . pansy.
The athletes were gentlemen. They held back, rather than tossing aside the old fools. The evil radicals stayed for days, and chaos spread from Columbia to the nation.
I heard all this as it happened, broadcast on Columbia's radio station, WKCR-FM. My father was an alum. We were ashamed just hearing about it, because we had some idea what it portended for the country's future. And the "protesters" were such spoiled, pretentious, venal, narcissistic wimps. Instead of young men, they were whiny little boys. Believe me, today's college airheads are no more ignorant or cynical than the student "leaders" of that time.
I had a student threaten me. He told me that he would see me dead because he was caught cheating and penalized for it. I told him to calm doan. he told me that he knew where I lived and would be paying me a visit. I replied that he’d better invest in Kevlar because I was a rabid second ammendment fan, and that I’d be expecting him. He said that he’d bring friends. I told him I had a nine shot clip, and several extra ones as well. He left in a huff.
I notified my boss, who sought to expell the miscreant. I told him that that wouldn’t be necessary as the brat was simply full of hot air. Junior never did or said anything amiss for the rest of his time there.
The kid surprisingly DID pass the class, graduate and the last time I heard from him, he was serving in Afghanistan with the USMC.
For all you non Rutgers types, Rutgers is the A&M of New Jersey! The Ag farm is on the east side of town next to the Douglass Campus. Rutgers guys started calling the Douglass Campus the Coop cause that's where all the chickies were!!!
I learned at an early age that the use of physical force - sometimes overwhelming force - is a good thing.
I'm not so sure about this.
Campus faculty won't hesitate to wield their authority against certain things; Lawrence Summers is a case in point.
Todays Academics may tolerate, or cower from campus anarchy, but they'll crush any offender within their realm of influence. They control kids' futures.
Sounds a lot like today’s families and many a parent-child relationship.
"Dhimmitude" to coin a phrase.