Every mormon I know and have known are very fine people,
and I have zero prejudice, suspicion, antagonism against mormons.
Again, having worked in American companies for 37 years which
survived by making profits, I have tremendous admiration for people like Romney who have proven executive skills.
On the other hand, people like Huckabee, McCain etc
have never spent a day in a survive by making a profit type private outfit. So my personal 1st choice is Romney. I am not a religious bigot against mormons or christians. I belong to the hindu religion. Please don’t come up with a long list of items you don’t like about hindu religion. This is not a religious board. This is a political board.
I am much more worried about pocket book issues since they affect my life and my family’s life more than what religion the president belongs to. So I prefer a candidate who in my opinion is the most capable in getting a handle on the financial mess our government is in.
Well, perhaps at least you have better reasons for your considerations than many other pro-Mittsters. While economic issues are important, & certainly more folks are elevating them these days, economic issues include even things like sanctity of human life.
I mean think about it: When abortion was legalized in 1973, think of how many fewer first graders were needed by 1979. Teachers were let go; entire neighborhood schools were shut down over the past 25 years due to the "lost generation." Think of the economic impact of how many fewer diapers & baby products are purchased when you have both abortion & infanticide (infanticide of girls being common both in India & China).
So when we protect human lives of our youngest offspring, we also protect the economic interests of our economy. It's all connected. And we need somebody trustworthy who will protect life. Rudy G. won't do it. Mitt's track record is extremely suspect on this.