We’ve been treating addiction like it’s a medical problem. It doesn’t work worth squat!
Meanwhile entire swathes of this country have been taken over by foreign criminal gangs. There are places where many Americans cannot even walk anymore without being in grave danger.
I am not advocating a totalitarian solution. I am offering an opinion. Make the third conviction for drug abuse a capital crime. This gives people two opportunities to get the monkey off their backs AND a great reason to do so. Three strikes and you’re out!
Oh, yeah, the drug traffickers don’t get three chances. They get whacked the FIRST time.
Not totalitarian. Just getting d..ned angry.
If we've been treating it like a medical problem, then why are hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug users in prison being schooled in violence and brutality?
Why do you think that the gangs move in to distribute a plant product that you could easily grow in your back yard greenhouse?
The Drug War is a disease masquerading as its own cure!! Raids and seizures drive up prices, and profits, giving a lucrative incentive for organized syndicates to move in and claim the profits.
I understand you're angry, I'm angry too. But you don't seem to understand the perverse effects that a "warfare" policy has on the market. Look at alcohol prohibition, for Pete's sake! It CREATED organized crime, and we're STILL suffering for that.
A never ending war ,,, great just what we need ....
Ps... canibis has medical property’s that may stop cancer..
?? just how is this war going to end ????? and in what year ???