The report of the Iraq Study Group is widely seen as a formal confirmation of US failure in Iraq.-------------------
What the surge would do, however, is put more American troops in harms way, further undercut US forces morale, and risk further alienation of elements of the Iraqi populace. American casualties would probably rise, at least temporarily, as more troops are on the streets; we saw this when the brigade from Alaska was extended and sent into Baghdad last summer. And even if the increased troop presence initially intimidates or frustrates the contending militias, it wont be long before they find ways to work around the obstacles to movement and neighbourhood searches, if they are still intent on pursuing the conflict. All of this is not much of an endorsement for a troop surge that will impose real pain on the already overstretched US forces.
It is going to be a lot of fun watching the GOP nominee bring up statements by Her Heinous or Barack “The Dumbest 46 Year Old Man on Earth” Obama saying the surge couldn’t possibly work, and then saying “This twit wants to be commander-in-chief.” It will only be worse if Clark is the VP candidate...same with Richardson, who wants to pull out on Inauguration Day. Even if Her heinous or Barry pick a Dem with a relatively sane position on the war (such as Biden) the embarassing questions will just be something like this: “How do you feel, Senator, about Senator Dipstick’s failure to see the surge as a workable strategy even after it was working? Is he or she really qualified to run this war?”