The election is about the fate of the nation, not the fate of the party.
Let the Republican party take care of itself. If it dies, so what? If there truly is a conservative movement in America, it will emerge in a different vehicle.
In the meantime, in the name of “saving” the Republican party, you would be sacrificing the country.
Not worth it. Not by a long shot.
Nor is it an effective approach. A whole bunch of people took exactly your tack in 1992. What did it gain? Eight years of the Klintoons and it opened the door to whatzherface running for national office, something we’d never be facing if those two had been sent back to Arkansas at that time.
If there will be a new party in America, it has to have an appeal to independents and some Democrats as well. I think the issues of trade, jobs and illegal immigration hits home with people of all parties. We need to point out that Bill Clinton supported NAFTA and many “working man” Democrats have supported outsourcing jobs to China. This would be a good way of splitting the Democratic Party. Wish there were some polls or surveys about what issues overlap across party lines.