I want to vote for a true conservative, but if we don’t get one, I will still vote.
My vote will ALWAYS be for the Republican ticket, even if it’s a compromise....even if the republican is on life support and clinically brain dead.
To keep those filthy dems out of power, I would vote for a can of tuna fish, even an urn full of ashes, a cow-pie, a sack of dog feces....it won’t matter what’s on the ticket because I will never vote for the traitors...NEVER.
I may be a very angry man when I go into vote, but I would never stay home, as that would be the same as voting for the traitor party. I owe this vote to my children, my grandchildren and all of the Troops that have given their all... in my name.
I will vote in this election even if I am dead, as my Bride has agreed send in my vote, and to keep me in the freezer until after the vote, and the recount, and the re-recount, the re-re-recount, re-re-re-recount, the Supreme Court appeals, civil war, Global warming, Nuclear Holocaust and any other problems that the traitor party may put out there.
So, yes, I will vote...for a republican, period.
hardihar, a can of tuna. I second the motion.