I was surprised by this since Thompson is normally very calm and cool. It seems as though this could hurt him in the long run. Even in the short run it makes him seem to join the Democrats in their criticism of FOX News. Thompson may get unfair treatment here and there on FXNews, but it is red carpet treatment compared to the other networks. And should he win the nomination, it will be the only news station giving him a fair shake — that is if they aren’t carrying a grudge.
i completely disagree. Voters like me are thrilled to see his “spunk” and his drive and desire showing itself, to go up against a known “ally” like Fox News. Great for him!
YOU SAID: “It seems as though this could hurt him in the long run.”
ROTFLOL!! And .. I believe it was the very same group who said Fred was “ho-hum”, lack-luster, and boring. Now they’re complaining that he’s “attacking” FOX ..??
I’d say none of these people know who Fred is .. and I further believe that’s exactly how Fred likes it. THE VOTERS know who Fred is - and we don’t need FOX (or Politico) to explain things to us.
He better be able to handle the friendly fox news because if he doesnt the rats wil eat him up like old chicken soup.
He better not start boycotting them like hillary, obama and company because theres no place for that chickensh-t attitude thats for sure.
Fox has morphed into just another run of the mill network, not a true voice for even handed news...how many times have they had opportunities to ask pertinent questions of people in the news, and let them off with puff ball questions?
Fox was pretty darned good when they started out, and I, like a lot of others became hooked on it...but as the years have gone by they have become not much more than a tabloid network...spending hour upon hour covering so called celebrity stupidity etc.
And this morning, for them to choose to show a clip of good old boy Fred Barnes criticizing Mr. Thompson...well in my opinion that was the last straw...Mr.Barnes has gotten .....well, I can’t come up with a word to describe the change in his personality over the past couple of years...maybe writing his book about Pres. Bush, and coming to the President’s defense over the past couple years has taken its toll...I just know he is no longer the man I used to enjoy watching and listening to.
I can’t imagine this will hurt the Thompson campaign or turn off his supporters..in my mind it may have been a very good thing....and by the way, no I’ve not decided who I am backing in the next election....