What can anyone possibly say to anyone who. like you, says, "Rudys fine with me" with a straight face?
There's really nothing that can be usefully said. In time, your infatuation with Rudy will pass.
Why do you bother responding to me when you ignore what I say?
Did you see that I support Thompson?
How does this qualify as an “enfatuation” with Rudy? I’m no more enfatuated with him than I am Mitt Romney or John Cox OR WHATEVER REPUBLICAN GETS THE NOMINATION.
I would vote for you over Hillary. I’d vote for a junior Republican city councilman from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Let me type this slowly so you can understand.
I support F-r-e-d T-h-o-m-p-s-o-n.
I will vote for a-n-y R-e-p-u-b-l-i-c-a-n in the GENERAL ELECTION over Hillary.
Is that really that difficult for you to take in?