Anyone who votes for an incumbent, any incumbent, is saying by default that this sort of behavior is acceptable. There are only two ways to bring about change, one is by voting the bastards out of office, and their successors too if they behave the same way, or by armed revolution. It will come to one or the other or our country will simply fade into oblivion and join the other formerly great nations in the dust bin of history.
I have lost absolutely all faith in our ability to impose the self discipline needed to do our favorite congress critters what it will take to reclaim our country and put us back on the road that brought us to the being the greatest nation in the history of Earth.
What they depend on are people like you.. who say don't vote for any incumbent.. people like you say it year after year and it never defeats an incumbent. They know that if everyone is accused of abusing power, then no one is actually punished.
If you really want to change things, then one person who abuses power had to be picked out and his behavior is made an issue. Ir includes his name and along list of abuses and waste. A real organized effort is made to defeat that candidate.
This strategy has a good chance of success. Once that person is defeated for reelection others start to think that it could happen to them. The next election another abuser is picked out and is used as this elections example. If he or she is defeated, then more of them start to straighten up. And by the time you are looking for the 4th example, one will be hard to find. People who think like you are well meaning, but you are the best friends that men like Reid and Spector have. The number of people who can be convinced that all are crooks is far less than the number it takes to defeat anyone.
Don’t vote out ALL incumbents. Senator Coburn and Senator Sessions comes to mind, among others.
Still, you must admit people in NV really believe in Reid. They have kept him around for more than a generation now.