I'm just hoping and praying that you've got that one right!
Ideally, she would be much too far to the left to be elected, but I'll be ecstatic if she is defeated regardless of why.
Hillary Clinton is one of the meanest, nastiest, most arrogant, most fake, most dull, most uncharismatic people to ever run for President. Even if she becomes the democrat nominee in the general elections the majority of real voters will realize this many fatal flaws in her character at an early stage of the campaign and before they know anything about her socialist politics, her huge flips flops, and her extreme left wing stand on social issues. The majority of voters will be turned away by her horrible character, her very annoying unbearable to hear nasty and screeching voice, her bitc** laughter, and her scary wide open mean eyes. She cannot change her character no matter how hard she tries and the liberal media cannot cover it for her no matter how hard they try.