I heard a pollster on Neal Boortz last night say Hillary has the independent women locked up in the states where the GOP needs them, and she will win easily against any of the current crop.
“I heard a pollster on Neal Boortz last night say Hillary has the independent women locked up in the states where the GOP needs them, and she will win easily against any of the current crop.”
That would seem to be an area that needs to be addressed, if “we” just sit back and allow Hillary to easily when that demographic we will need a near record turnout of base vote to make up for it, and the base isn’t thrilled with “our” guys.
To me, the base is our first problem, that needs to be addressed first, then move on to the independents.
That and it’s a year out, Boortz’s crystal ball is just as murky as anyone else’s.
Did anyone else just hear Frank Luntz on Fox with the Friends? I was on my first cup of coffee so I may have heard wrong, but he had some polling data that was very encouraging with Mrs. Clinton only within a few points of McCain and Rudy. He also pointed out the Howard Dean front runner example.