If a catastrophe had befallen the Muslims, (they) might come to terms with the enemy provided that the Muslims should resume the Jihad after the expiration of the treaty treaties must be of temporary duration, for in Muslim legal theory the normal relations between Muslim and non-Muslim territories are not peaceful, but warlike If the (leader) entered a treaty which he was incapable of fulfilling, the treaty was regarded as void the Prophet Muhammad has set the classic example by concluding a (628 A.D.) treaty with the Makkans, known as the Hudayabiya Treaty (whereby) a peace treaty with the enemy is a valid instrument if it serves Muslim interests the Prophet and his successors always reserved their right to repudiate any treaty or arrangement which they considered as harmful Muslim authorities might come to terms with (the enemy), provided it was only for a temporary period a temporary peace with the enemy is not inconsistent with Islams interests .
There are four major sects to the Muslim religion. Each worships a dead man that raped children and believed in bestiality (its in the Quran). There are peaceful Muslims just as there are violent Christians. Muslims kill more Muslims than any other religion. Most of those deaths are conflicts between the radical sect and the other sects. The radical sect is winning. Christians and radical Muslims have been fighting for a thousand years and pretending there isn’t a problem has not worked.
The stated goal of radical Muslims is to subjugate the West under Sharia law. Your children or grand children will be faced with this treatment unless the West wakes up.