I would have liked that statement six weeks ago but I’m much more angry now than I was then. Reading from the purists around here and their tantrums/pouting, I am disturbingly eager for the big split to occur so that the purists go their way and the non-statists go ours
Purists? I doubt it. Nobody would is so fanatical to think that the fate of this country hangs on their one issue which they elevate to THE ISSUE is just a purist. I think fanatical is more like it. And the sooner they are disavowed, the sooner the rest of us can go about trying to have a reasonable government in this country. They are separatists if you ask me.
Your position is is no more rational than the purists'. The fact is we all need each other. We must fight it out in the primary and then lock arms and go after the RATS.