I, as all Americans should be, concerned about the future for our children and grandchildren. The problems will not be easily solved. I have surveyed the field and recognize and realize that Mr. Duncan Hunter is the only person I can support in this race for President.
I crossed McCain off my list a long time ago.
Rudy is not a Conservative. Crossed off Rudy.
Mitt thinks America should emulate Hamas. Mitt is a liberal. Cross off Mitt.
Then there is Fred. I like Fred, I am listening to Fred, but Fred is a Johnny come Lately. When Fred could have taken out the Clintons on Chinagate, Fred didn't. When Fred could have done something to truly help this nation, while he was in the Senate on illegal immigration, he didn't. What more can I say about Fred....He didn't live up to expectations. America cannot afford people, in federal office, especially the Presidency to no longer live up to expectations.
Mr. Duncan Hunter has been a fighter and warrior, in every sense of the words, during his tenure in the House. His past reflects what Mr. Hunter will do FOR America in the future. The Past is always a reflection of what the future holds, and what a given individual will do. For this reason alone, Mr. Hunter's past efforts for America compel me to support the Man.
Join us....Join a Man.....Join the Hunter's Rangers....I can honestly say, There will be no surprises from this Man! Mr. Hunter will be another President in the image of Former President Ronald Reagan. Another Man (Mr. Hunter), Americans are proud of.
Fred Thompson = 8 years political experience.
Duncan Hunter = 3X that with 26.