To: HisKingdomWillAbolishSinDeath
Slowly step away from the TV and read a book or something.
Everything will miraculously be fixed and the perceptions will
suddenly change as soon as another Clinton is in the White House.
All this worry is a complete fabrication by the National Media.
If more people understood this phenomenon, no Democrat would ever sit in the oval office, but they never understand it.
We are truly a Nation of Sheep.
8 posted on
11/03/2007 4:20:55 AM PDT by
Cold Heat
To: Cold Heat
“We are truly a Nation of Sheep.”
Evidently God thinks so. The 23rd Psalm says: “ He maketh me to lie down in green pastures”.
11 posted on
11/03/2007 4:47:05 AM PDT by
("The Lord bringeth the council of the heathen to naught" - Psalm 33, verse 10)
To: Cold Heat
I’m 1992 the American people elected Bill Clinton to cheers that “Character Doesn’t Count”. Does character count yet?
14 posted on
11/03/2007 4:59:23 AM PDT by
The Duke
(I have met the enemy, and he is named 'Apathy'!)
To: Cold Heat
You're certainly correct about the "sheep." It's amazing how wonderful things are when there's a dem administration... No problems (according to the media) with homelessness, or illegal immigration (I love how Hillary claimed the Bush administration had failed over the last 7 years, as opposed to the terrific job she did as co-president during the preceding 8). On the other hand, the article does make an important point in general. That fiat currency is inherently unstable, because it requires the confidence of the public, and that confidence can be easily shaken by the media, for the exact reason you mentioned: Because the vast majority of people are sheep. "Salt of the earth. You know... Morons."
And right now, the media believes that it's in their "best interest" to do all they can to shake the confidence of the public in ALL governmental instituions. In order to bring "their gang" into office.
47 posted on
11/03/2007 8:03:22 AM PDT by
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