To: 8mmMauser; wagglebee; Sun; BykrBayb; EternalVigilance; amdgmary
You will luv this! Alberto Gonzales is going to speak at the university where Dr. Kevorkian was postponed. It was in today's or try
Thanks for nothing, Alberto. He's in the same crowd as Dr. K.
250 posted on
11/10/2007 9:04:20 AM PST by
floriduh voter
(Terri Schindler Schiavo unwillingly gave her life to become a debate question.)
To: floriduh voter
Let us know what Alberto talks about.
256 posted on
11/10/2007 9:26:08 AM PST by
(Duncan Hunter: pro-God/life/borders, understands Red China threat, NRA A+rating! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson