NEW YORK, November 7, 2007 ( The meaning of human nature itself is under threat from a new philosophy of soul-less scientism that will undermine our own self-understanding as human beings and reduces the aspirations of mankind to the purely material realm. This new philosophy outstrips the danger posed by the actual techniques and technologies of modern biomedical science, said Dr. Leon Kass, speaking to a New York audience in October.
Scientific ideas and discoveries he said, are being enlisted to do battle against our traditional religious and moral teachings, and even our self-understanding as creatures with freedom and dignity.
In a speech to the Manhattan Institute last month, Dr. Kass, one of the most prominent public intellectuals dealing with bioethical issues, also pointed out that in many cases, these technical achievements are being used for purposes beyond therapy, and may soon be used to transform human nature itself.
Train to Huxley's Dehumanized Brave New World has Already Left the Station
Washington, DC ( -- The number of women in Congress has grown steadily over the years as the old boy's network has given way to a modern feminist world. Though groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood would think to think all of the women are pro-abortion, several pro-life stalwarts have created a new caucus for pro-life women.
Powerful pro-life women leaders are making a difference for mothers and their unborn babies in Congress and they have formed a new outreach for their efforts: the Congressional Pro-Life Women's Caucus.
Pro-Life Women in Congress Start Legislative Caucus Opposing Abortion