Wow. You guys really seem to think Guilianni would be a disaster. If we get commitments from him to support 2nd Amendment rights, marriage between a man and a woman, and on the abortion issue, I don’t have a problem with him. I’m for Duncan Hunter because his heart and record backs up every one of these things and more . . . but Hillary would clearly be a disaster.
Freedom once lost is hard to regain.
I’m not sure that freedom has ever been regained within the same culture and people in all of history actually.
If we get commitments from him they will be meaningless. He is a Trojan horse.
Commitments? As in, "I swear I won't act in accordance with my long-held beliefs on these issues"?
If you actually believe that any such commitments would be worth more than a warm bucket of spit, then I guess Hitler was right when he said: "What good fortune for leaders, that the people do not think".