How do you think I feel? They didn't even allow my candidate on the stage.
“How do you think I feel? They didn’t even allow my candidate on the stage.”
Keyes has been actively ignored by the MSM since day one. If he were the GOP candidate he would trounce Hillary. His ability to lead and inspire would likely reverse for a while the US’s slide into a liberal cesspool.
Since you say here “my candidate” I checked and what do you know, He’s in the race. You wouldn’t know it from the coverage.
One memorable moment I had was watching a local newscast years ago and some news editor included a few seconds of an Alan Keyes speech probably by mistake. At the end of the cut, the hairsprayed anchor was clearly impressed.
“Alan Keyes, eh?” he said.
“I wonder why we don’t hear more from him.”
I wanted to reach through the screen and choke him.
“It’s because you guys avoid talking about him.”
Keyes would defeat Hillary by a wide margin. FNC and rest of the media anoint whoever they want and ignore the rest.