I bet you didn’t even like Jules Verne or H. G. Wells.
Around the World in Eighty Days, wouldn’t apply yet From the Earth to the Moon would! Good Call. :^)
Well, I didn’t like the new version of Time Machine :^).
Actually, I am a big sci-fi fan. (I’ve already apologized that I didn’t realize I was being hard on a vanity post.) Verne and Wells aren’t my favorite authors.
As for Verne: I did like the original movie versions of Journey to the Center of the Earth, and 20000 Leagues beneath the sea. I never like reading him, but I’ve read harsh criticisms of the translators; I should check out more modern translations.
As for Wells: That’s tough. He’s created so many of the templates for modern sci-fi, including those of excellent works, I do have to give him his due. Give more credit to another Wells (or Welles), but War of the Worlds is a blast. But his enthusiastic support of authoritarianism (he was an avowed Stalinist) and pervasive nihilism makes it hard to just get lost in his worlds. I find ancient (pre-1950s :^D) sci-fi works best when it is mythological, and the more Wells gets to explain himself, the more fun he robs from his stories.
Some to think of it:
I should try reading Verne in French! (That’d be some way to re-learn my HS French!)