I didn’t say Fred wasn’t a conservative, I said he wasn’t the conservative that his supporters think he is. There isn’t a perfect candidate out there. Unfortunately. But Fred’s position on CFR and his opposition to Tort Reform, cripes he supported McCain in 2000 over Bush, he voted not to remove Clinton, are some of reasons I’m not wild about Fred. Add in his week position on the Defense of Marrage Act, his cluelessness on the Terry Shiavo questions and they guy leads me to believe he is not the conservative he’d like you to think.
Fred explained his thinking on CFR and why it turned out to be a mistake in the end with how it worked out.
He does not favor centralized government making decisions and supports states rights to do as they see fit. What’s more conservative than limiting the power of the federal government? Oh, I get it, SOCIALLY CONSERVATIVE control is cool, but liberal policies are not.