Nevertheless, a terrible car accident occurred. That's not in dispute. Black ice, driver error or whatever, I'm willing to give these people the benefit of the doubt that black ice is how they remember the accident. Michelle Malkin points out a newer Suburban is parked in front of the house. Also, an early commenter on the Baltimore Sun puff piece claims to know them and refers to "what kind of car they drive" as being irrelevant, the children need insurance regardless of their parents' choices. So does this family really drive a newer Suburban? Why their transportation may have cost as much as their annual income!
I am starting to believe the husband is really a bum. How could a guy who's been in business doing furniture making and repair not have his own webpage? Maybe he's so good at what he does word of mouth drives his fabulously successful business and he doesn't need a webpage? Oh, that's right, this poor slob with a working wife claims to have a combined family income of 45,000. Yeah, right.
I've searched like mad and haven't been able to come up with a website for this business. Anybody else have better luck?
I’m willing to give these people the benefit of the doubt that black ice is how they remember the accident.
An accident report might be better than their memory. And being it was a Saturday, could it have happened after a night of drinking? Conditions were clear all morning, so the ‘black ice’ defense is getting thin.