This ends with the phrase poor Fred may have to eat.
Asked again for his position on Terri Schiavo, Fred Thompson opened up about the death of his daughter from an accidental drug overdose in 02.
Obviously I knew about the Schiavo case. I had to face a situation like that in my own personal life. Neither federal nor local governments should play any role in making a familys end-of-life decisions, he said.
So making this into a political football is something I dont welcome. And this will probably be the last time I ever address it
Here, a lie less seen portrays the real impetus behind wanting to save Terri as the desire for the government to interfer. We are to suppose the religious in lib eyes could care less about Terri, but are enamoured with big government interference.
Liar, liar, liar!!!
Obviously, this approach may put Thompson in the American mainstream, at least on this issue, but this is certainly not what the Republican Party’s far-right base wanted to hear.
Dick Polman explained that Christian conservatives will likely see this as a major insult.
Thompson’s stance is definitely not in tune with the Christian conservative agenda. Their attitude - as evidenced by the Terri Schiavo case, the 24/7 cable TV melodrama of 2005 - is that the federal government should intervene in the private lives of families, and ensure, in accordance with their views of morality, that the doomed patient remains attached to the feeding tube. […]
It’s probably bad enough, from their perspective, that Thompson is known to be an infrequent churchgoer, that he once lobbied for an abortion rights group, and that he bestirred few hearts at the weekend Values Voter Summit. And now, from Thompson at his news conference, comes this blasphemy.
Indeed, I imagine the Dobson crowd will hear Thompson talking about government staying out of family matters and question the candidate’s commitment to most of the far-right agenda, practically all of which is predicated on the notion of the government getting entirely involved in family matters.
Thompson remembers the Schiavo controversy, snubs far-right base