You don't know much about that region of the world, nor their belief systems, do you? 12th Imam - Worldwide Arab Caliphate - those mean anything to you? How about the reconsitution of the Persian Empire? Have you spent any time studying the history of these people? Pat Buchanan has not, that's obvious. But, then, he's only for closing our borders and living soley within the confines of those borders. Sorry, but the world doesn't work that way anymore, and I'm not intereted in giving near total control of the world's major oil reserves over to a bunch of Islamo-facists - how about you? Oh, and in case someone brings up the argument again about comparing the current situation with the USSR or China, try and think about the differences between the ideologies of those two countries and the Islamo-facists we're facing today. Not the same mind-sets in any way, shape, or form.
I seem to recall the Russkies being all about taking over the world too. How did that work out for them? You can counter Patty’s arguments, but not with those talking points.