Unions should be outlawed because in most cases they are controlled by socialist opportunist thugs. These labor unions hurt the business, the economy, and the consumers as well as reward unporductivity and laziness.
Outlawing unions may be a violation of free assembly. Unions exist through legislation. If employers were not forced to bargain with unions, unions would not exist in most cases. The simplest remedy is just right to work even if companies are forced to bargain. Right to work provides choice to workers and a path for an employer to ignore a union’s outrageous demands.
Aside from a specific Congressional provision exempting them, all they are doing is practicing monopolistic principles to extort money from related employers who do not have a free market for labor capital.
Of course, while this has seemed like brilliance on the part of the socialist bosses who created the exemption back in the 30s (the same time that 2nd amendment lost its Constitutional value, btw). But just like the old soviet union, there was only so long that the rest of the economic universe was willing to subsidize this parasite and for the last 25 years this industry has been dying on the vine.
But be absolutely sure that GWB gets blamed for this somehow. Nobody will blame the enviro wackos for their hysteria about global warming which has hurt SUV sales which has been possibly the largest factor preventing this implosion from happening 10-15 years prior to now.
In general I don’t like unions. But unions should not be outlawed, and workers should have the right to strike. Businesses should also have the right to replace them at will.
What you are advocating would lead to a slave class. I view strikes as part of the free market system. The fact that unions get greedy and stupid has no bearing.