“Paranoid ramblings”... “conspiracy theories”... is this stuff coming from a handbook? There has to be another, more creative way to belittle people.
Sometimes that's all it's worth. Cindy Sheehan types like SolarStorm may be convinced that the military leadership is full of bloodthirsty incompetents but I'm here to tell you that it isn't true. I spent 30 years in the Navy, active and reserve, and all of it on the East coast. And in all that time I never once heard of a missile firing outside of the Atlantic Fleet Missile Range in the Caribbean, and never heard of a live firing test or exercise of any kind north of the Virginia capes. The reason should be obvious for anyone with any sense at all - it is the most densely travelled air space in the world. The risks of accident are too great. So there is no conceivable reason for doing so. Give the military some credit for not being terminally stupid.